View Profile iShadowzz08

15 Game Reviews

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this game is homosexual

crashed as soon as i was about to completed it. anyhow use LMG!

edited my initial review, because i finally figured out how to run this properly in the newgrounds emulator. as for the game itself: neat little kinect game, but gets old after 10 minutes, like any other form of slapstick humor...

to be able to play this properly:
launch in Newgrounds Player,
DO NOT start the game just yet,
right click on the game & click “Settings...”,
use the Tab key to navigate & Space key to select,
check off “Allow” and “Remember” in the ‘Privacy’ section,
exit out the pop-up,
and now you may start!

plot is creative, but the gunplay is bad.

you really need to conserve the "shocks" & "bombs" for the boss, and even then it isn't enough to complete the game; the starter pistol & razor inflicts no damage towards him. the spawn rates only favors the mentioned inferior weapons, leaving you feeling as you're stuck in purgatory, before you close out your browser to find something better to do.

you really should leave some time to give a heads up of who your next opponent will be…it just immediately throws you into a fight when clicking into the next section, w/ no time to act upon.
maybe also make the visibility of the medpack better?

otherwise, a neat lil simulation of what the submission author had committed irl.

my condolences to your grandfather. i couldnt find any info of him on any memorials, but i bet he was awesome

the physics are very buggy.

half the time the sperm just randomly detaches. the penis sometimes glitches into the ground & infinitely drag across the ground until you forcefully fall into the pit.

larrynachos responds:

Hmm very weird, I haven't encountered those issues. The only thing I can suggest is maybe try to avoid pressing up/down while you're swinging left/right? When you press up or down, the chain is despawned and respawned quickly at a shorter or longer length, so there could be a physics issue there

reviews REQUIRE more context, because they are misleading.

i was stumped on these & had to use a guide from the comments. some of the “correct answers” are what no one would've anticipated*. no clue for the secret medals.
*like #16 is a "negative" instead of being flaggable.

useful tool, but there isn't a back button to create another QR code.

Mahdir211 responds:

I'm still working on it, I will add it in the future

tutorial breaks when you go to export the project. but i like how interactive it is!

needs better ground textures but a good 2d remake otherwise :3

ImraanTest responds:

I need to actually work more on this game, thanks :)



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